There are many reasons to be the healthiest you — to look and feel your best, to set a good example for your children, and to lower your chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, cancer and weak bones. Take these five steps to live well for you and your family.

1. Be Realistic
Make small changes in what you eat. This can be as easy as switching from whole or 2% milk to 1% or fat-free milk.
2. Be Adventurous.
Snacks are a great time to try new fruits and vegetables.
3. Be Flexible.
It’s all about balance. Eat a lighter lunch if you are going out for a big dinner. Look for easy ways to make healthier choices like sharing a meal with a friend.
4. Be Sensible.
Enjoy all foods, just don’t overdo it. Eat slowly, enjoy each bite, and listen to your body— eat when you are hungry and stop when you feel full. Turn off the TV to focus on food and family time.
5. Be Energized.
Breakfast is the best way to begin your day — giving you energy, brain power, and a healthy start.